Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I have no idea what I'm doing

Arighty then. This is happening. I'm starting a blog.

I must admit, I've always wanted to run a blog. There's just something so cool about saying, "Yeah. I run a blog in my free time. It's no big deal." Except yeah. It's a big freakin deal.

I guess I should start this party off by introducing myself a bit. I'll start with the cold, hard facts.

Name: Bethany Brooke Hanna
Age: 17 years old & a senior (whoop whoop!)
Birthday: August 19th
Religion: Christian. Jesus saves, bro.
High School: Flowery Branch High School (2010-2012) & now: Georgia Online Connections Academy*
Occupation: I work at a dance studio as an after-school teacher. It's pretty awesome.
Fandoms I am Obsessed With:

  • Doctor Who
  • Sherlock
  • Harry Potter
  • Supernatural
  • Disney
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • The Hunger Games

There are quite a few other Fandoms I am a part of ( The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, New Girl, etc.), but I'm not quite as obsessed with those as I am as the ones above.

My favorite thing to do is read. I'm always reading. You will hardly find me without either, A) A book in hand; or B) A book in my purse, bag, or within 2 feet of me. It is seriously my favorite past-time. Some of my favorite books/series are:

  • Harry Potter (obviously)
  • The Hunger Games
  • The Mortal Instruments
  • All John Green books (curse you, John Green, for writing such beautiful/gut-wrenching books)
  • Frankenstein 
  • The Odyssey (I read part of this in 9th grade, but I want to read the entire thing)
  • Lord of the Flies (I loved this book, actually)
  • Dr. Seuss (hey, can't leave out the classics!)
  • Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit 
  • So many, many, many more
I have an autistic brother named Matt. He's turning 21 this year, and has graduated from both high school and this wonderful school in Warm Springs. My family and I are extremely proud of him. Because of my brother, I have a deep love for all people with special needs. Children, adults, you name it. They warm my heart and fill me with such joy... Gah, I love them. 

I am an actress. I have been acting on the stage going on 11 years now. I love acting. My family is very theatrical (*ahem* dramatic...), and we all perform. My mother is a drama teacher, and has been teaching drama for 11 years. Even my brother performs (and he's quite good at it, too). My ultimate dream is to be either on Broadway or in Hollywood. However, the dream that I am striving for is to be a Literature teacher. I want to share the beauty of the written word with many generations to come. 

I really can't think of anything else. Oh! You might be wondering (if anyone is out there reading) what my blog is about. The answer:

I don't know.

Not yet, anyway. I'm sure I will figure it out in due time. For now, I'll probably just post the thoughts in my head, or share somethings that interest me. I guess we'll find out! :)

One last thing. I am on Tumblr and Pinterest! I have no idea how to work this whole blog-thing yet, so for right now I'll just type it out.

You can find me on Tumblr at:
You can find me on Pinterest at: Bethany Hanna (I guess just type it in. I'll figure out links later, I promise! :])

Alright folks. I'm signing off for the night.

I hope you all have wonderful dreams!


*Okay so long story short, I got really sick my sophomore and junior years of high school.  The doctors first declared it mono, but then came back (a year later, might I add) and said that it wasn't mono. Ugh. I was out of school 1 month my sophomore year, and 2 months my junior year. I barely scraped by. We were afraid that I was going to get sick again my senior year. To insure that my senior year wasn't ruined, I left Flowery Branch High School, and I am currently enrolled in online school. I guess it's "homeschooling," but not really. It's kind of like an online college class.

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